Duty of Care Statement:
"As organisers, we have made things as safe as reasonably practicable. You need to be aware that Motorcycle Racing can be dangerous. If for any reason you are uncomfortable with this risk or have any concerns, you need to raise them directly with one of the Senior Officials immediately after this briefing, or throughout the events duration. If they cannot alleviate your concerns, you should not participate in this event."
1. All participants ride at their own risk, whether riding in all or part of their sessions.
All participants ride at their own risk, whether riding in all or part of their sessions. All participants should consider their own riding ability, condition of their equipment, and possible track conditions before riding.
2. All riders must be present for the compulsory morning Safety Briefing.
All riders must be present for the compulsory morning safety briefing. Any rider who does not attend will not be allowed on the track until another briefing can be arranged. Attendance of safety briefing must be verified before the Rider enters the Track (currently by 2nd Wrist band).
3. All riders must ensure they book into the correct group for their riding ability.
All riders must ensure they book into the correct group for their riding ability. While riding in the respective groups, participants are expected to ride in accordance with the guidelines for each group, e.g. if riding in the slow/medium group, they are expected to give space and right of way to riders with limited track experience. Should any riders be found to have deliberately booked into an incorrect group for their riding ability, they may be forced to sit out sessions awaiting possible availability in a correct group. This will be strictly enforced. There are no transfers or refunds available for missed sessions should this situation arise.
4. The minimum licence requirement is a Full Licence.
The minimum licence requirement to participate in Taupo Moto Days is a full motorcycle licence (issued by the NZTA) or a valid MNZ race licence.
5. Taupo Moto Days cannot control weather conditions.
If a Taupo Moto day is cancelled before midday due to poor weather conditions, all riders can transfer their booking to another full track day at no additional cost. Unfortunately, we cannot control the weather conditions, if a Taupo Moto day is cancelled post lunch time the remaining sessions will not be refunded. Taupo International Motorsport Park accepts no responsibility should an event be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, including (but not limited to) extreme weather conditions.
6. Stoppages.
Should there be stoppages during the day due to incidents, breakdowns, inclement weather, or any other issue that could reasonably be considered outside of Taupo Moto Days control, there will be no reimbursement, reschedule or compensation for any missed track time in any way, shape or form.
7. Failing to attend/ Being unfit to ride.
Taupo International Motorsport Park accepts no responsibility if a rider fails to attend, cannot ride, is unfit to ride, or chooses not to ride in all or part of the day - regardless of the reason (including, but not limited to; weather conditions; work requirements; motorcycle problems; family crisis; and health problems). There are no refunds or reschedules either in part or in full, including hire equipment.
8. Recording devices allowed on circuit
Video recording devices are allowed at Taupo Moto days. To ensure your devices are fitted appropriately and will pass scrutineering, please see the camera policies on the Taupo International Motorsport Park website. The camera and mounting must be presented at scrutineering.
9. The consumption of alcohol and use of illegal substances is strictly prohibited.
The consumption of alcohol and use of illegal substances is strictly prohibited at Taupo Moto days. Any person found consuming (or to be affected by) alcohol or drugs, will not be permitted to participate in the event. No refunds will be given under any circumstances, and perpetrators risk being expelled from the venue and refused participation in future events. Taupo International Motorsport Park reserves the right to subject riders to random breath testing and / or checking for influence of drugs.
It is your responsibility to be in a fit condition to ride on the day. Due to the high concentration requirements, Taupo International Motorsport Park strongly recommends a good night’s sleep and abstaining from alcohol and drugs (always, but specifically) the night before your event. This does not include prescribed medication which is endorsed by your physician as being non-detrimental to your participation in this activity.
10. Rescheduling.
Riders may reschedule or cancel their booking (excluding group bookings) provided this is completed more than one week (7 days) prior to the event, and less a $25 processing fee per position booked. Within one week (7 days) prior to an event no refunds or reschedules will be given.
However, Taupo Moto Days will allow a rider to transfer a position to another rider, provided the rider taking the position fits the criteria for the booked riding group, and the day has not started. You can do this by contacting the Taupo International Motorsport Parks office prior to the event or by speaking with registration staff on the morning of the event. The new rider must fit the same criteria and the rider who cannot attend and must also be a Taupo Moto member.
11. All participants are responsible for ensuring their motorcycle is suitable and is in a track-worthy condition.
All participants are responsible for ensuring their motorcycle is in a roadworthy / track-worthy condition and capable of passing machine examination prior to attending the event. Riders must ensure their machine is in track worthy condition before they arrive at the track. They will ensure all parts are securely fitted and fastened, no sharp edges, with no leaks of any fluids. Mirrors must be removed or fully covered.
High speed track riding imposes considerable loads on brakes and tyres. These will be inspected to ensure they are suitable for the days event.
All machines must be inspected by Taupo Moto Scrutineer’s. If the machine is in an acceptable condition, it will be given a current scrutineering sticker for the days event. All machines must have a current scrutineering sticker before entering the track. The rider is 100% responsible for their machine and maintaining its condition before and during the event.
If your motorcycle is not deemed safe by our scrutineers, you will not be allowed out onto the track. Please note there will be no refunds if this scenario is to occur.
12. Minimum riding gear requirements.
All riders are required to meet the minimum riding gear requirements but are always recommended to wear the best track gear possible. Refer to Matrix below.

Helmets: Full face road helmet, compliant with New Zealand Standard NZS 5430 or Australian Standard AS 1698. They must be in good condition with no visible damage. They must not have any external items added to the helmet, notably Camera’s but also intercoms/stickers or decorations.
Gloves: Must be designed for motorcycle use, must have no holes or visible damage. Must overlap the sleeves of the rider’s jacket.
Boots: Must be specifically designed for motorcycle use, must have no holes or visible damage. Must be long enough to overlap the riders pants. (No work boots, steel caps or trainers allowed).
One-piece leathers are recommended for all riders, however 270° split leathers may be worn for the novice group. For clarification, 270° leathers are split leather that must be joined by a zip that covers 270 degrees and has leather covering the zip. Textiles or jeans of any type of not permitted on track at any time.
One piece leathers are the strongest and are recommended above all else.
Back protectors are required and chest protectors are recommended for all riders.
Taupo International Motorsport Park reserves the sole right to judge the suitability and condition of the riders riding gear.
13. All participants are responsible for ensuring any utilised equipment is in a safe working condition.
All participants are responsible for ensuring any equipment used during Taupo Moto days is in safe working condition. This includes all wiring and electrical items being compliant with relevant New Zealand Standards (this may include having leads tested and tagged). Compressors, generators and other tools and equipment must be maintained and in a safe working condition. Electrical items such as tyre warmers must be plugged into power boards fitted with RCD (Residual Current Device) protection; double adaptors are not to be used. Taupo Moto Days may request equipment be taken out of use if not considered to meet the above standards.
14. All participants are to abide by the Safe Handling of Fuel Guidelines.
All participants are to abide by the safe handling of fuel guidelines. Strict guidelines must be followed concerning the amount of fuel permitted in garages (20L per rider), the suitability of fuel containers (labelled and New Zealand Standards compliant), and safe refueling procedures including spill mats or trays (avoidance of spills and ignition sources). These guidelines will be on display at the circuit on the day of the event. Any spill must be cleaned up immediately and reported to the track manager.
15. Riders are not permitted to hand over their booking to another rider during an event.
Riders are not permitted to hand over their booking to another rider, either in part or in full, at any time during an event.
16. Incidents or near misses:
Any rider who been, seen or experiences a near miss or accident, we ask that you please report to race control or a staff member and let us know. Taupo International Motorsport Park wants to ensure the safety of all riders, spectators and staff.
17. Any rider who does not agree with this information may obtain a full refund, provided:
Any rider who does not agree with the information contained in this policies sheet, or any other information supplied by Taupo Moto Days, is entitled to a full refund provided they notify Taupo Moto Days within three (3) days of receiving this sheet. Any rider who exercises this right will be unable to book any further Taupo Moto Days. If notice is not received within three (3) days, Taupo International Motorsport Park assumes the rider agrees to all policies and information and is prepared to abide the policies, terms and conditions contained herein. By riding on the track, the rider is deemed to fully accept the terms and conditions of the Taupo International Motorsport Park event. Policies may change without notice.